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Showing posts with the label taking care of parents in old age

Memoirs of the Irrepressible Grandmoms

How many of you have been with, really been with the elderly for one day? To observe them, to talk to them, to listen to them. Many of you may have in mind grandmothers are old, fragile and slow. Slow they maybe, but they can still be living a fulfilling life. Coincidently I have two such octogenarians at home, here is a page out of their daily lives. Grandma A loves to sleep, but on doctors order the family tries to prevent her from having an overly sedentary life style. But at around 8pm at night right after dinner: Grandma A: I go to the toilet ah Family member: OK, walk slowly ah (20 minutes later Grandma A still has not returned from toilet) Family member looks around and finds Grandma A already in bed! Conveniently her bedroom is halfway between the toilet and living room, so Grandma A stealthy went into her bedroom on her way out from the toilet. This is her modus operandi! When it comes to dinner time: Family member: Grandma eat more vegetable Grandma A:...