For some, the new year is a time to review the year that had just passed and look forward to the new year with anticipation of better things to come. There would be the usual new year resolutions etc. For others, 12 midnight on the 31 st December is yet another chime on the clock. But this new year for me was meet with a feeling of indifferent and not one of renewal and hope. For the year that has just come to end had been very turbulent, full of seemingly insurmountable challenges and wrought with misfortunes. For a while, it felt like living hell on earth and that I was stuck in a runt. But on the last day of the year something, someone, some higher power showed me a glimmer of hope. In the morning on the last day of the year while waiting to go to church, I was sent an article from Harvard Business Review by Nicolas Petrie on “Pressure Doesn’t have to turn into stress”. The main key point of the article was to avoid rumination. What is rumination? To avoid rethinking p...