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Showing posts with the label God of mercy and compassion

The blessings or blesser?

How many times have we felt relieved God answered our prayers? How many times have we felt honored seeing God’s work in our life? How many times have we been in awe by His supreme plans? How many times have we asked for His favor? As we examine our hearts and minds Are we more focused on the blessing or the Blesser? The work or the Lord who does the work? The answer to our prayer or the God who answers prayer? Remember who God is He is the alpha and omega, who is and who was and who is to come, the almighty” Rev1:8   Full of compassion, gracious, long suffering and abundant in truth Psalm 86:15 Is good to all, and his mercy is over all he has made Psalm 145:9 The only wise God, through Jesus Christ Roman 16:27 He forgave us when we did not deserve to be forgiven God is merciful and forgiving, even though we have rebelled against him Daniel 9:9 He loved us all as how we are God showed his love for us while we were still sinners, Christ...